When out on the various lakes, rivers and sea water of Washington State, you may want to consider drowning rates. Men drown a lot more than women in the United States. What I found impressive with the graph is the nearly 2:1 margin for even toddlers. Howland and others (1996) provide some further explanation regarding the rates for men. The take away is a mix of cockiness, drinking while fishing or hunting on the water and more frequent exposure to circumstances that are riskier. I confess that I have been guilty of all of the above (excepting drinking while hunting, no warm nips allowed with guns).
Bird's Eye Seattle: 1878
In early January, I wrote about one my favorite images of Seattle, August
Koch’s 1891 Bird’s Eye View. I’d now like to return to another similar map:
Eli S...
1 day ago
Having more fat might help one keep afloat too. Just a guess.
The statistics show that almost no one drowns while wearing a PFD. They might not survive, but drowning (except in whitewater conditions) is rarely the cause. I've taken a lot of people canoeing and I was a whitewater raft guide for a few years. In those situations, women listen and follow instructions better than men. The drowning rates, by the way, are heavily stacked against people in rental canoes and kayaks.
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