Thursday, May 20, 2021

Late Low Snow and Rosie Has a New Baby

On Monday I headed to central Washington via the Highway 20 across the North Cascades over Rainy Pass and Washington Pass. A cold rain was falling in the late afternoon as I crossed the passes. The sky cleared by the time I reached the Columbia River at Pateros so I opted for camping at a favorite site that will remain secret. When I got into my sleeping bag it was 63 F -- a bit warm for sleeping, but by morning it was 36 as the cold air caught up to me. 

It was hard to tell as the mountains still have lingering late snow, but it looked like there was fresh snow on the North Cascades in the morning. 

I had to head back Tuesday and noted the fresh snow on the trees and peaks on my return. 

Liberty Bell approaching Washington Pass

View of Fisco Mountain while descending from Washington Pass 

View of high ridge between Colonial Peak and Pyramid Peak on the descent to the Skagit River

 Late Wednesday even Lyman Hill at 4,000 feet in the Northwest Cascades had a dusting of snow on its upper slopes added to the older snow on the clear cuts.

Our neighbor Rosie delivered as least one fawn on Wednesday. Three years ago Rosie somehow got her nose torn up; hence my name for her. She typically has previously had twins so another may be on the way. Our other neighbor, Blackie, has not made an appearance yet, but I expect she will be around with her fawn or fawns soon.


1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see you posting again! I hope all is well there.
