Sunday, October 28, 2018

Rubus ursinus

There are various plants that present field work challenges in western Washington. Rubus ursinus or trailing blackberry is a low key plant that has temporarily flustered me while navigating through brush. 

Rubus ursinus set as a couple of trip wires on a moss covered log

High stepping and an awareness that a wire like vine may be wrapped around an ankle is a key strategy

The sharped barbs are not long, but they are very effective at shredding skin

The blackberry is a native and does produce tasty fruits. They are far less problematic compared to thick Himalayan blackberry thickets or rose thickets. 


  1. Hawthorn thickets (Crataegus douglasii) aren't fun, either!

  2. Agreed! In fact they may be the worst. Fortunately rare on the west side of the state where I do most of my landslide work.
