Monday, March 7, 2016

Daffodils on the Skagit Flat

Had some weekend excavation work to tend to.  

But after excavation work was done I caught the daffodil blooms on the Skagit Flats west of Mount Vernon.

A few tourists or locals had stopped. Turns out two of my neighbors were visiting this field as well. The hills in the distance are Mt Erie on Fidalgo Island and high points of various San Juan Islands including Mount Constitution.

Another field with the Northwest Cascades in the distance.

The daffodils are a bit early this year as it has been a very mild winter. Apparently saturated fields from heavy rain has not slowed the bloom time down.

The Daffodils do not bring out the tourists as much as the later blooming tulips will. A sunny weekend day on this same road would require some patience during the tulip bloom. 

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