Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Few Maps for Northwest Washington Quake Risk

My neighborhood association (York in Bellingham) asked me to do a short presentation on a local level of the-really-big-one. I have done a similar presentation before, but it is good to remind everyone and to a degree the hazard is not so bad as some might be concerned about. For example, there will not be a 200-foot tsunami surge into our hood. 

There are other hazards worth discussing. The City of Bellingham Emergency Planner, Paul Gazdk, also presented. I have presented with him before and he has lots of issues to worry about and does a good job of gently but effectively pushing for being better prepared for emergency events. 

I utilized drawing on butcher paper for part of the presentation, but also used some images taped to the walls around the room for chatting purposes. 

Shake map of a Cascadia big one scenario.

While some areas will experience intense shaking, the map also shows that geographic area that will be impacted will present a significant emergency management resource issue. 

Expected peak ground movement in southwest BC

Tsunami inundation map for Bellingham Bay and Lummi Bay shore

Scenario for intensity from a local fault in Whatcom County

Probability on a yearly basis of a big shake
Note that the peak acceleration force is highly dependent on the specific soils but does not distinguish soil types. 
Also note the red zones within Puget Sound associated with the Seattle Fault and South Whidbey; this map includes all known faults not just the big one  

City of Victoria map of areas subject to seismic amplification

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