Friday, June 5, 2015

Notes form Lisbon

A bit ago I took a long vacation. For the first time I worked via computer and email while traveling. I managed to take care of a few critical projects while far from Washington, but have been a bit pressed for time since returning.

As with all travels, there is always some geology involved - geology is everywhere. And I find while traveling one gets a perspective on one's home place. My time in Lisbon provided a geology perspective on geologic hazards, a subject I have been doing a fair bit of recent work on.

View of Lisbon and the Carmo Convent in center

Carmo Convent

 The Carmo Convent is a reminder of the Lisbon Earthquake of  1755 (wiki/1755_Lisbon_earthquake). The quake destroyed most of Lisbon and the convent is one of the few reminders of the event that remains standing in the city.  

Fractured and patched wall above south doorway

The roof of the Carmo Convent 

View towards the Atlantic
The bridge in the distance at the opening of the bay was designed by the same folks as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California

The earthquake also generated a large tsunami which rolled into the bay through the area now spanned by the bridge. The high wave and the shape of the bay brought another severe blow to the city immediately after the quake. 

The new Lisbon built after the devastation is a very pleasant city. The city square facing the waterfront was a particularly pleasant public space. Perhaps an under appreciated feature when communities in Washington do waterfront planning.

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