Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Deer Wrap Timber Sale Put on Hold

Yesterday's post HERE was in part to provide a wider context to the Seattle Times article (Timber sale on hold) on the proposed Deer Wrap timber sale that I knew was coming.

The article confirmed that the timber sale was put on hold pending further review. As I noted yesterday it is not possible to assess the potential landslide risk of the slide areas that appear in the LiDAR. That will take some on the ground work. It is not clear how much of that has or has not been done. The forest practice application did not include any geology reports.

The DNR does have some flexibility in this case. As the applicant DNR can easily decide to hold back a forest practice pending further review. In this case the public oversite has helped. Possibly the mark up of the LiDAR by a geologist helped.

1 comment:

  1. So the National Historic site called the first date with Lisa is outside the APE--area of potential effect? Have you applied the NHPA Section 106 criteria to determine significance/
