Monday, December 15, 2014

SR 530 (Hazel/Oso) Landslide Commission Report

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee set up a landslide commission to review the Hazel/Oso Landslide. The commission report came out on December 15: SR530 Landslide Commission Final Report.pdf
One of the recommendations is to further fund landslide hazard mapping, "The SR 530 Landslide highlights the need to incorporate landslide hazard, risk, and vulnerability assessments into land-use planning, and to expand and refine geologic and geohazard mapping throughout the State. The lack of current, high-quality data seriously hampers efforts under the Growth Management Act".
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources has already developed a robust budget request for funding mapping efforts that will be submitted to the legislators this winter. It is a tough budget year. Where landslide risk and costs associated with it fall will remain to be seen.  

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