Friday, November 14, 2014

Notes on a Few Favorite Trees and Landscapes on my Commute

Over the years I have had various work commutes - most people do. My current commute is a 3/4 mile walk through my neighborhood and then along a bit of the perimeter of the edge of downtown. Not a bad way of starting the day. 

The tulip tree one block from home

This tulip tree planted long ago in the parking strip has long been a favorite. It is hugely tall for an urban tree within an area of small lots and it is massive. It is rapidly loosing its leaves this week after a fairly good fall show.
Tulip tree and its sequoia companions 

A number of sequoia's were been planted around Bellingham roughly 100 years ago and they have grown to be landmark specimens. This planing strip has two adjacent to the tulip tree.

The next tree, a cottonwood, is one I really enjoy because it likely started out as a volunteer and some how has managed to not be cut down. On windy days I give it a respectful detour as it is now the size that it routinely drops large limbs.

Puget Sound Energy has an electric switch yard that they recently greatly upgraded and are in the early stages of landscape work around the perimeter. I assume they have some strict criteria as to the types of plants and trees - a cottonwood at this location would be a really bad idea.

The laying in of extensive irrigation lines suggests a not very native approach and lots of expense. It would be a great project to replicate the landscape work done at this place cutting-edge-planting-at-padden-estuary. Some hairy manzinita would require much water and would be a nice screen between the street and the electric yard.   

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