Sunday, October 27, 2013

Paddling to Work

I had a site visit in the San Juan Islands that presented some logistical problems due to the thick fog last week. Typically I'd take a plane from Bellingham to Blakely Island, but with the low fog that option was out. So I got it in my head that with the calm weather, I'd paddle across Obstruction Pass and Peavine Pass from Orcas to my destination and perhaps do some sight seeing on the way. 
No good content in this post - that will have to wait. But there was great geology on this trip and I feel I am completely recovered from politics: never crossed my mind.
Launch point at ramp

Heading along the west shore of Obstruction Island

View towards Harvey Channel between Orcas on the right and Shaw and Lopez on the left

Navigating through kelp at the entrance to Peavine Pass

My destination - Blakely Island

Barge heading to Blakely
I left Orcas just as the barge was arriving
I would have beat them to Blakely except I had to check out the geology 
I returned via the east side of Obstruction Island.
The eastern, return leg included checking out the two small islets above as well as third islet and portions of the north shore of Blakely. Here the water was a bit choppy being more open than the confines of the narrow passes. I should note that I had triple checked the currents ahead of time as they can get very fast through the passes. My timing was good with only a modest current although there were some spots where the current was higher than expected.

The advantage of a inflatable.

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