Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Washington Navy

Washington State has a very large military presence. I got a terrific view of a bit of that presence while riding the ferry from Port Townsend to Keystone, Whidbey Island. We passed though a convoy of naval ships. 

The first ship was coming out of Puget Sound and turning towards Indian Island where it would presumably take on a load of munitions from the Indian Island Weapons Depot (indian-island-jefferson-county and indian-island-us-supreme-court-case.
A nuclear submarine with escorts on either side was powering up the sound towards us from the south.
The Coast Guard escort made a quick pass in our wake perhaps to make sure no one had thrown anything overboard into the path of the sub.

This bit of water at the entrance to Puget Sound has always been a military area. As we approached Whidbey Island I had a view of a no longer operable part of our military history - a former gun emplacement at the former Fort Ebbey that was part of the "triangle of fire" protecting the entrance to Puget Sound. It would seem our navy is so superior, the triangle of fire is no longer needed.

1 comment:

  1. Now the Triangle of Fire is a great playground!

    What a great bonus on a ferry crossing.
