Saturday, October 8, 2011

Zombies, Dolores O'Riordan, Patty Murray - Moms in Tennis Shoes

Paul Krugan posted a link to a political cartoon (above) that utilized many of his terms for a variety of political economic ideas in-the-long-run-we-are-undead. One term used by political commentaries about bad ideas that never die are zombie ideas. ApexNerd over at Latte Republic has used this term as well to hilarious effect regarding local issues in Whatcom County. Krugman added the Cranberries reunited playing Zombie. I was on my lap top and the song paused with a view of Dolores O'Riodan's feet. And I thought "Another mom in tennis shoes". Dolores stepped away from rock and roll stardom to stay at home with her kids prior to the video posted below.
United States Senator Patty Murray (Washington) used the phrase "mom in tennis shoes" to describe herself during her successful political campaigns including election to the United States Senate. This was a play on an apparently dismissive elected that referred to her as just a mom in tennis shoes. The mom in tennis shoes is now the co chair of the United States Congress Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction. Hope she will be a good Very Serious Person in this position and she still has the good sense of a mom in tennis shoes. 

I learned long ago that moms in tennis shoes are very serious people. As for Dolores O'Riordan - I have to say she is a very serious rock and roller mom in tennis shoes.

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