Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kelli Linville, Mayor Candidate, Delivers a Fine Speech at Nelson's

Kelli Linville speaks to gathering at Nelson's Market

Kelli Linville gave a nice talk at Nelson's Market. She is running for the mayor of Bellingham. Politics at many levels has and will shape the Washington landscape in a variety of ways. If you care about our state and local landscapes, you will likely be confronted with political involvement in some manner. Certainly has been true in my case!

I was asked to introduce Kelli and I tried to give Kelli a nice introduction to the friends and neighbors that showed up at Nelson's. In listening to Kelli, it is clear she has researched city issues very carefully. But my main reason for supporting her is her work ethic and her sense of fairness and good governance. These strengths tend to lead to very wise decisions regarding our communities and our landscapes. I have ample experience with Kelli and am confident she will make a terrific mayor.

Kelli gave a very good speech on issues facing Bellingham and how her approach to good governance is what our local community needs. Issue after issue is best determined by having a robust public process that informs decision makers. Its the kind of hard work Kelli does so well.

As a final note on the coal politics that has come to dominate our community, a friend pointed out that the next mayor of Bellingham might be determined by an issue that the mayor has no authority on - coal trains passing through Bellingham to a proposed shipping terminal northwest of Bellingham. The current mayor has come out very strongly opposed to the coal terminal, but so has Kelli. There is no difference between them on this issue bellingham-mayoral-candidates. Regardless, the current mayor has decided to make the coal issue the central theme of his campaign. He is fortunate that the City Council took no action on his proposed resolution in favor of the terminal in October 2010 25oct2010_Resolution Supporting Coal Terminal.

It was a pleasant evening at Nelson's market after being gone for several days. A nice talk, time with neighbor friends, good beer and Monday Night Football.

Nelson's Market when it was Standard Grocery and before the streets were paved

1 comment:

  1. It was a fine speech, Dan and a good event. Thank you for hosting it.

    For those who want a little more background about the resolution that Dan Pike put forward concerning the coal trains in October, I wrote about it over on my blog, "The Political Junkie"

    Check it out here: http://sweeneypolitics.com/2011/09/08/why-is-dan-pike-talking-about-coal-trains/
