Friday, February 11, 2011

Weekend Reading and Loafing

We are faced with a cool wet weekend in western Washington. A good weekend for reading and video watching. I am not sure I have the capacity to be a clearing house for articles, but there are a few sites I check routinely and some occasionally. I have posted a few videos I have stumbled across and by page views they generally prove to be popular, especially the ones involving cars (rearranging cars or large metalic debris ).

The video below is from the National Science Foundation website and provides a geologic perspective on carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. The link to the NSF site with the article can be found at ttp://

As for my own blog reading there are the blogs on my sidebar:

1000 Paintings by my favorite landscape painter.

Cliff Mass Weather Blog is always fun for Washington or other weather junkies

Northwest Geology Field Trips by David Tucker has well researched geology trips in Washington State in keeping with my emphasis of Reading the Washington Landscape. David does not post frequently primarily because his write ups are often very detailed and well referenced.

Paul Krugman Blog gives a heavy dose of economics at an amazing rate and some politics as well. Mr. Krugman reminds me constantly of outside economic forces influences on our landscapes. I often start my day reading Krugman and then link to the New York Times from his blog.

If your seeking some other good content I do have a few others I routinely check in on:

Hhighly Allochthonous Anne Jefferson and Chris Rowan have a blog that is a labor of love and one I highly appreciate. And the blog name is a great geology play on words. But there is lots more than geology in the blog and they provide a nice links at the end of most weeks to stuff they have come across. They also are leaders geology/science blogging having been at it for a while.

Looking for Detachment Silver Fox is part of the geology blog community. But my main reason for reading Looking for Detachment (an interesting play on words only geologists can appreciate) are the write ups on an area of land I have often traveled. If you ever plan to drive through Nevada, you can get plenty of ideas and understanding on what to see by reading this blog. 

En Tequila Es Verdad by Seattle writer Dana Hunter is a blog that is well worth checking. Her Friday Los Links will stimulate your mind. And she can go all political crazy and given my own history is greatly appreciated. 

landslideblog The Landslide Blog by Dave Petley provides great information on geology hazards and given that is what I do as a grunt geologist I read his posts to stay humble. The other AGU blogs are worth checking too. I used to have the landslide blog on my sidebar, but found the sidebar link to the AGU has some glitches I have not bothered trying to figure out.

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