Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It Does Not Take an Eruption to Wipe Out a Village

Mount Baker from Penn Cove

A number of years ago I was working on an environmental impact statement where I put in a few lines about the impacts of mud flows on flooding on a river system and that the mud flows very often take place without an eruption. This information was a bit of a shock to some folks. If your a Bellingham person or want to visit Bellingham Thursday you can find out a lot more about mud flows and Mount Baker by going to a talk on Mount Baker by David Tucker Thursday evening October 14 at the Whatcom Museum - see nwgeology.

In 1983 I did some mapping work with Chuck Ziegler east of Mount Baker. Our interest was in much older metamorphic rocks of the Northwest Cascades Complex and Mount Baker was in the way. Lava flows and eruptive centers covering up the metamorphic rocks. But we did see some interesting volcanics and Dave Tucker will explain it all (mostly).

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