Thursday, September 30, 2010

My contribution to the columnar state of mind

Dave Tucker alerted me to a request for columnar jointing from Washington State from magmacumlaude.blogspot . Apparently a number of geos are posting about columnar jointing. As any magmatitist, tuff cookie knows, Washington State has lots of columnar jointing because we have have lots of thick lava flows. The Columbia Basalt Group is one of the largest lava fields in the world and we also have the Cresent Basalts on the Olympic Peninsula and some more basalts in southwest Washington. And of course we have the Cascade volcanoes.

David Tucker obliged with a series of his pics HERE. Other geo blogs with columnar posts are
geologyblues.blogspot (Phillip did two)
highway8a.blogspot (Silver Fox did two)
and perhaps the best entequilaesverdad.blogspot

So my contributions to the cause:

Cliffs of the Palouse River Canyon - Columbia River Basalt Group 

Devils Canyon
Wanapum basalt is on the left with younger basalt of the Saddle Mountain basalts filling in the ancient canyon and then topped by a third flow.
Twin Rocks, south of Wallula

Horse Heaven Hills at Wallula Gap

And from the tribal homeland: "I went to the huts of some of the savages that were there, who told me of the great misfortunes of our people who were drowned at that place and showed me many jewels and valuables of theirs, which distressed me greatly" - Fancisco Cuellar, describing the northern Ireland coast in 1589.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm a Northwestern native currently living in Chicago. I have a blog that I need to use more but I added a quick post to show-off some of my own columnar photos! enjoy.

    -Fernando Monterey
