Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Thirsty Woman Follow Up

I did not give much information on The Thirsty Woman http://www.thirstywoman.com/. The story is that years ago the only bar in Mosier, Oregon banned women. That bar burned down and it has been hinted that the women may have done it, but I suspect it just sounds appropriate. Mosier is a small town and the YWCA was located in a small building. So while the men were drinking the women were apparently doing more wholesome activities.
The current owners acquired the old dilapidated YWCA building along with a restaurant next door. After getting the restaurant going they fixed up the old Y as a bar and did not ban men. Hence the name for all the past women of Mosier that went thirsty. On a warm summer evening, its a great place to appreciate music and the view of the landslide across the river.

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