Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Approaching Vortex

I was in the field yesterday with a leery eye on the weather. The low pressure center slid up along the west coast of Washington State yesterday. A bit unusual for this time of year. Went from a warm sunny morning with a great view of Whatcom County's Mount Baker to dark and rain fairly fast for these parts.

Mt. Baker with the Twin Sisters on the right and Lummi Island on left from the southeast shore of Orcas Island

Heading towards Anacortes on the ferry looking southwest. The bright sky is at least in part the rain shadow from the Olympic Mountains

Not a bad work gig on Wednesday. I stayed most dry as the front did not arrive until late and the rain shadow from the Olympic Mountains greatly reduced the rain fall. It is storms like these that shape our landscape. They do some tree trimming as well. Winds of 80 plus miles per hour were reported along the coast.

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